CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 7/18/03: Using the GZ Modifier
Editor's Welcome:
It has come to our attention that many providers are unwilling to use the -GZ modifier for fear of false claims investigations and allegations. This week we will discuss the appropriate use of the -GZ modifier, and also why its use should not be cause for concern. As always feel free to forward comments, questions, and suggestions. We will do our best to answer all emails.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Introduction: ABNs
Most of our subscribers already know how to properly execute and deliver an Advance Beneficiary Notice (ABN). For review, a properly delivered ABN allows the provider to bill the Medicare beneficiary in the event the claim is denied by the carrier or fiscal intermediary. Medicare requires ABNs so that Medicare beneficiaries have advance notice of possible financial liability and are able to make an informed decision as to whether or not to accept the services.
If the provider appropriately delivers an ABN to the Medicare beneficiary and t....
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