CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 6/27/03: Correct Coding Edits Continued
Editor's Welcome:
Last week we discussed Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) Edits and how they are used by Medicare to screen claims. This week we will go over some specific CCI edits that cause trouble for laboratories. Please let us know if you are having similar problems that would be appropriate to share with our readers.
Next week we will not publish a CodeMap Compliance Briefing in observance of the Independence Day holiday.
From Last Week
Remember that when a CPT code is listed in Column I of a CCI edit , any accompanying codes in Column II will be denied unless they can be overcome by the use of a modifier. The following CCI edits may be causing Medicare denials for your laboratory. If so, make sure that you use a modifier, if appropriate, to overcome the edit.
Lipid Panel Edit
Column I code: 80061
Column II codes: 80500, 80502, 82465, 83718, 84478, 83721
This CCI edit prohibits providers from reporting a lipid pane....
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