CodeMap Compliance Briefing: 5/9/03: Business Associates Agreements
Editor's Welcome: Over the past months, we have received a number of inquiries concerning when providers are required to obtain business associates agreements pursuant to the privacy regulations of HIPAA. Many of these inquiries seem to suggest that providers are often requesting and obtaining these agreements when they are not necessary.
Next week, be on the lookout for a special annoucement concerning major improvements to our online complaince training services. As always, please feel free to forward any questions, comments, or ideas for future CodeMap Compliance Briefings.
Gregory Root, Esq.
Business Associates Agreements
As most of you know, the privacy regulations of HIPAA, which became effective last month, require covered providers to obtain business associates agreements with entities to which providers communicate protected health information. Examples of business associates include consultants, lawyers, accountants, data managers, etc.
These agreements must ....
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