2025A Ambulatory Payment Classification: 0805
Title: Hiv prep, inj, cabotegravir
2025A Relative Weight: | 0 |
2025A Payment Rate: | $ 6.89 |
2025A National Unadjusted Copay: | $ 0.00 |
2025A Minimum Unadjusted Copay: | $ 1.38 |
Addendum D1 Information
Status Indicator: K
Item / Code / Service: (1) Non-Pass-Through Drugs and Biologicals (2) Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals (3) Brachytherapy Sources (4) Blood and Blood Products
OPPS Payment Status: (1) Paid under OPPS; Separate APC payment. (2) Paid under OPPS; Separate APC payment. (3) Paid under OPPS; Separate APC payment. (4) Paid under OPPS; Separate APC payment.
* Medicare Part A utilization data is derived from the 100% 2021 Outpatient (Fee-for-Service) Standard Analytical File.
Procedure Codes in this APC:
J0739 Hiv prep, inj, cabotegravir
Sources: Updates of Addendum A and B are posted quarterly to the OPPS website. These addenda are a "snapshot" of HCPCS codes and their status indicators,
APC groups, and OPPS payment rates, that are in effect at the beginning of each quarter. The quarterly updates of Addendum A and Addendum B reflect
the OPPS Pricer changes that are part of the quarterly OPPS recurring update notification transmittals.
For more information on the Composite APC payment,
please see CMS Transmittal R2141CP.