National Coverage Determination: Blood Glucose Testing National Coverage Determination
NEW See also: The Guide to Medicare Preventative Services
Diabetes Screening Tests, Supplies, Self-Management Training, Medical Nutrition, Therapy and Other Services
CPT Code: 82947
Blood Glucose Testing
CMS Policy Number: 190.20

82947 Glucose; quantitative, blood (except reagent strip)

Description: This policy is intended to apply to blood samples used to determine glucose levels. Blood glucose determination may be done using whole blood, serum or plasma. It may be sampled by capillary puncture, as in the fingerstick method, or by vein puncture or arterial sampling. The method for assay may be by color comparison of an indicator stick, by meter assay of whole blood or a filtrate of whole blood, using a device approved for home monitoring, or by using a laboratory assay system using serum or plasma. The convenience of the meter or stick color method allows a patient to have access to blood glucose values in less than a minute or so and has become a standard of care for control of blood glucose, even in the inpatient setting.

Blood glucose values are often necessary for the management of patients with diabetes mellitus, where hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia are often present. They are also critical in the determination of control of blood glucose levels in patient with impaired fasting glucose (FPG 110-125 mg/dL), patient with insulin resistance syndrome and/or carbohydrate intolerance (excessive rise in glucose following ingestion of glucose/glucose sources of food), in patient with a hypoglycemia disorder such as nesidioblastosis or insulinoma, and in patients with a catabolic or malnutrition state. In addition to conditions listed, glucose testing may be medically necessary in patients with tuberculosis, unexplained chronic or recurrent infections, alcoholism, coronary artery disease (especially in women), or unexplained skin conditions (i.e.: pruritis, skin infections, ulceration and gangrene without cause). Many medical conditions may be a consequence of a sustained elevated or depressed glucose level, including comas, seizures or epilepsy, confusion, abnormal hunger, abnormal weight loss or gain, and loss of sensation. Evaluation of glucose may be indicated in patients on medications known to affect carbohydrate metabolism.

Effective January 1, 2005, the Medicare law expanded coverage to diabetic screening services. Some forms of blood glucose testing covered under this NCD may be covered for screening purposes subject to specified frequencies. See 42 CFR410.18, sec. 90 ch.18 Claims Processing Manual for screening benefit description.

Frequent home blood glucose testing by diabetic patients should be encouraged. In stable, non- hospitalized patients unable or unwilling to do home monitoring, it may necessary to measure quantitative blood glucose up to 4 times a year. Depending upon patient’s age, type of diabetes, complications, degree of control, and other co-morbid conditions, more frequent testing than 4 times a year may be reasonable and necessary. In patients presenting nonspecific signs, symptoms, or diseases not normally associated with disturbances in glucose metabolism, a single blood glucose test may be medically necessary. Repeat testing may not be indicated unless abnormal results are found or there is a change in clinical condition. If repeat testing is performed, a diagnosis code (e.g., diabetes) should be reported to support medical necessity. However, repeat testing may be indicated where results are normal in patients with conditions of a continuing risk of glucose metabolism abnormality (e.g., monitoring glucocorticoid therapy).

Documentation Requirements

The ordering physician must include evidence in the patient’s clinical record that an evaluation of history and physical preceded the ordering of glucose testing and that manifestations of abnormal glucose levels were present to warrant the testing.

ICD-10-CM Codes Covered by Medicare Program

2459 Covered ICD-10 Codes:

A15.0 Tuberculosis of lung
A15.5 Tuberculosis of larynx, trachea and bronchus
A22.1 Pulmonary anthrax
A37.01 Whooping cough due to Bordetella pertussis with pneumonia
A37.11 Whooping cough due to Bordetella parapertussis with pneumonia
A37.81 Whooping cough due to other Bordetella species with pneumonia
A37.91 Whooping cough, unspecified species with pneumonia
A40.0 Sepsis due to streptococcus, group A
A40.1 Sepsis due to streptococcus, group B
A40.3 Sepsis due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
A40.8 Other streptococcal sepsis
A40.9 Streptococcal sepsis, unspecified
A41.01 Sepsis due to Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
A41.02 Sepsis due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
A41.1 Sepsis due to other specified staphylococcus
A41.2 Sepsis due to unspecified staphylococcus
A41.3 Sepsis due to Hemophilus influenzae
A41.4 Sepsis due to anaerobes
A41.50 Gram-negative sepsis, unspecified
A41.51 Sepsis due to Escherichia coli [E. coli]
A41.52 Sepsis due to Pseudomonas
A41.53 Sepsis due to Serratia
A41.54 Sepsis due to Acinetobacter baumannii
A41.59 Other Gram-negative sepsis
A41.81 Sepsis due to Enterococcus
A41.89 Other specified sepsis
A41.9 Sepsis, unspecified organism
A42.7 Actinomycotic sepsis
A48.1 Legionnaires' disease
B25.0 Cytomegaloviral pneumonitis
B25.2 Cytomegaloviral pancreatitis
B37.2 Candidiasis of skin and nail
B37.31 Acute candidiasis of vulva and vagina
B37.32 Chronic candidiasis of vulva and vagina
B44.0 Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis
B48.8 Other specified mycoses
B77.81 Ascariasis pneumonia
B78.1 Cutaneous strongyloidiasis
C25.4 Malignant neoplasm of endocrine pancreas
C48.0 Malignant neoplasm of retroperitoneum
D13.7 Benign neoplasm of endocrine pancreas
E03.5 Myxedema coma
E05.00 Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goiter without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.01 Thyrotoxicosis with diffuse goiter with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.10 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.11 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic single thyroid nodule with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.20 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.21 Thyrotoxicosis with toxic multinodular goiter with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.30 Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid tissue without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.31 Thyrotoxicosis from ectopic thyroid tissue with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.40 Thyrotoxicosis factitia without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.41 Thyrotoxicosis factitia with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.80 Other thyrotoxicosis without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.81 Other thyrotoxicosis with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.90 Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified without thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E05.91 Thyrotoxicosis, unspecified with thyrotoxic crisis or storm
E08.00 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with hyperosmolarity without nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC)
E08.01 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with hyperosmolarity with coma
E08.10 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with ketoacidosis without coma
E08.11 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with ketoacidosis with coma
E08.21 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic nephropathy
E08.22 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic chronic kidney disease
E08.29 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other diabetic kidney complication
E08.311 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema
E08.319 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema
E08.3211 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E08.3212 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E08.3213 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E08.3219 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.3291 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E08.3292 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E08.3293 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E08.3299 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.3311 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E08.3312 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E08.3313 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E08.3319 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.3391 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E08.3392 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E08.3393 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E08.3399 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.3411 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E08.3412 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E08.3413 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E08.3419 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.3491 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E08.3492 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E08.3493 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E08.3499 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.3511 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E08.3512 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E08.3513 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E08.3519 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.3521 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, right eye
E08.3522 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, left eye
E08.3523 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, bilateral
E08.3529 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, unspecified eye
E08.3531 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, right eye
E08.3532 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, left eye
E08.3533 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, bilateral
E08.3539 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, unspecified eye
E08.3541 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, right eye
E08.3542 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, left eye
E08.3543 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, bilateral
E08.3549 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, unspecified eye
E08.3551 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, right eye
E08.3552 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, left eye
E08.3553 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, bilateral
E08.3559 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, unspecified eye
E08.3591 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E08.3592 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E08.3593 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E08.3599 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E08.36 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic cataract
E08.37X1 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, right eye
E08.37X2 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, left eye
E08.37X3 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, bilateral
E08.37X9 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, unspecified eye
E08.39 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other diabetic ophthalmic complication
E08.40 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified
E08.41 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic mononeuropathy
E08.42 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic polyneuropathy
E08.43 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic autonomic (poly)neuropathy
E08.44 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic amyotrophy
E08.49 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other diabetic neurological complication
E08.51 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E08.52 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E08.59 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other circulatory complications
E08.610 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic neuropathic arthropathy
E08.618 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other diabetic arthropathy
E08.620 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with diabetic dermatitis
E08.621 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with foot ulcer
E08.622 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other skin ulcer
E08.628 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other skin complications
E08.630 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with periodontal disease
E08.638 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other oral complications
E08.641 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with hypoglycemia with coma
E08.649 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with hypoglycemia without coma
E08.65 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with hyperglycemia
E08.69 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with other specified complication
E08.8 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition with unspecified complications
E08.9 Diabetes mellitus due to underlying condition without complications
E09.00 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity without nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC)
E09.01 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma
E09.10 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without coma
E09.11 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis with coma
E09.21 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy
E09.22 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease
E09.29 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other diabetic kidney complication
E09.311 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema
E09.319 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema
E09.3211 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E09.3212 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E09.3213 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E09.3219 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.3291 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E09.3292 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E09.3293 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E09.3299 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.3311 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E09.3312 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E09.3313 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E09.3319 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.3391 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E09.3392 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E09.3393 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E09.3399 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.3411 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E09.3412 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E09.3413 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E09.3419 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.3491 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E09.3492 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E09.3493 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E09.3499 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.3511 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E09.3512 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E09.3513 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E09.3519 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.3521 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, right eye
E09.3522 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, left eye
E09.3523 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, bilateral
E09.3529 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, unspecified eye
E09.3531 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, right eye
E09.3532 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, left eye
E09.3533 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, bilateral
E09.3539 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, unspecified eye
E09.3541 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, right eye
E09.3542 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, left eye
E09.3543 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, bilateral
E09.3549 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, unspecified eye
E09.3551 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, right eye
E09.3552 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, left eye
E09.3553 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, bilateral
E09.3559 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, unspecified eye
E09.3591 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E09.3592 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E09.3593 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E09.3599 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E09.36 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract
E09.37X1 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, right eye
E09.37X2 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, left eye
E09.37X3 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, bilateral
E09.37X9 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, unspecified eye
E09.39 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication
E09.40 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with neurological complications with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified
E09.41 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with neurological complications with diabetic mononeuropathy
E09.42 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with neurological complications with diabetic polyneuropathy
E09.43 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with neurological complications with diabetic autonomic (poly)neuropathy
E09.44 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with neurological complications with diabetic amyotrophy
E09.49 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with neurological complications with other diabetic neurological complication
E09.51 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E09.52 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E09.59 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other circulatory complications
E09.610 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathic arthropathy
E09.618 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other diabetic arthropathy
E09.620 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis
E09.621 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E09.622 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E09.628 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other skin complications
E09.630 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with periodontal disease
E09.638 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other oral complications
E09.641 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia with coma
E09.649 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without coma
E09.65 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
E09.69 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with other specified complication
E09.8 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications
E09.9 Drug or chemical induced diabetes mellitus without complications
E10.10 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without coma
E10.11 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis with coma
E10.21 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy
E10.22 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease
E10.29 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic kidney complication
E10.311 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema
E10.319 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema
E10.3211 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E10.3212 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E10.3213 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E10.3219 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.3291 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E10.3292 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E10.3293 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E10.3299 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.3311 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E10.3312 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E10.3313 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E10.3319 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.3391 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E10.3392 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E10.3393 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E10.3399 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.3411 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E10.3412 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E10.3413 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E10.3419 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.3491 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E10.3492 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E10.3493 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E10.3499 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.3511 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E10.3512 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E10.3513 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E10.3519 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.3521 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, right eye
E10.3522 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, left eye
E10.3523 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, bilateral
E10.3529 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, unspecified eye
E10.3531 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, right eye
E10.3532 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, left eye
E10.3533 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, bilateral
E10.3539 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, unspecified eye
E10.3541 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, right eye
E10.3542 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, left eye
E10.3543 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, bilateral
E10.3549 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, unspecified eye
E10.3551 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, right eye
E10.3552 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, left eye
E10.3553 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, bilateral
E10.3559 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, unspecified eye
E10.3591 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E10.3592 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E10.3593 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E10.3599 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E10.36 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract
E10.37X1 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, right eye
E10.37X2 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, left eye
E10.37X3 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, bilateral
E10.37X9 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, unspecified eye
E10.39 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication
E10.40 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified
E10.41 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic mononeuropathy
E10.42 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic polyneuropathy
E10.43 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic autonomic (poly)neuropathy
E10.44 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic amyotrophy
E10.49 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic neurological complication
E10.51 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E10.52 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E10.59 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other circulatory complications
E10.610 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathic arthropathy
E10.618 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic arthropathy
E10.620 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis
E10.621 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E10.622 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E10.628 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other skin complications
E10.630 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with periodontal disease
E10.638 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other oral complications
E10.641 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia with coma
E10.649 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without coma
E10.65 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
E10.69 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication
E10.8 Type 1 diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications
E10.9 Type 1 diabetes mellitus without complications
E10.A0 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, unspecified
E10.A1 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, Stage 1
E10.A2 Type 1 diabetes mellitus, presymptomatic, Stage 2
E11.00 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity without nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC)
E11.01 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma
E11.10 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without coma
E11.11 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis with coma
E11.21 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy
E11.22 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease
E11.29 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic kidney complication
E11.311 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema
E11.319 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema
E11.3211 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E11.3212 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E11.3213 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E11.3219 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.3291 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E11.3292 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E11.3293 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E11.3299 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.3311 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E11.3312 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E11.3313 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E11.3319 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.3391 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E11.3392 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E11.3393 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E11.3399 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.3411 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E11.3412 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E11.3413 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E11.3419 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.3491 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E11.3492 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E11.3493 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E11.3499 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.3511 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E11.3512 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E11.3513 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E11.3519 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.3521 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, right eye
E11.3522 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, left eye
E11.3523 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, bilateral
E11.3529 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, unspecified eye
E11.3531 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, right eye
E11.3532 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, left eye
E11.3533 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, bilateral
E11.3539 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, unspecified eye
E11.3541 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, right eye
E11.3542 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, left eye
E11.3543 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, bilateral
E11.3549 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, unspecified eye
E11.3551 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, right eye
E11.3552 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, left eye
E11.3553 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, bilateral
E11.3559 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, unspecified eye
E11.3591 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E11.3592 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E11.3593 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E11.3599 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E11.36 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract
E11.37X1 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, right eye
E11.37X2 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, left eye
E11.37X3 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, bilateral
E11.37X9 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, unspecified eye
E11.39 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication
E11.40 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified
E11.41 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic mononeuropathy
E11.42 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic polyneuropathy
E11.43 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic autonomic (poly)neuropathy
E11.44 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic amyotrophy
E11.49 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic neurological complication
E11.51 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E11.52 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E11.59 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other circulatory complications
E11.610 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathic arthropathy
E11.618 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other diabetic arthropathy
E11.620 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis
E11.621 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E11.622 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E11.628 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other skin complications
E11.630 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with periodontal disease
E11.638 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other oral complications
E11.641 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia with coma
E11.649 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without coma
E11.65 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
E11.69 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with other specified complication
E11.8 Type 2 diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications
E11.9 Type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications
E13.00 Other specified diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity without nonketotic hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar coma (NKHHC)
E13.01 Other specified diabetes mellitus with hyperosmolarity with coma
E13.10 Other specified diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis without coma
E13.11 Other specified diabetes mellitus with ketoacidosis with coma
E13.21 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic nephropathy
E13.22 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic chronic kidney disease
E13.29 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other diabetic kidney complication
E13.311 Other specified diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy with macular edema
E13.319 Other specified diabetes mellitus with unspecified diabetic retinopathy without macular edema
E13.3211 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E13.3212 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E13.3213 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E13.3219 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.3291 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E13.3292 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E13.3293 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E13.3299 Other specified diabetes mellitus with mild nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.3311 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E13.3312 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E13.3313 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E13.3319 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.3391 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E13.3392 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E13.3393 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E13.3399 Other specified diabetes mellitus with moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.3411 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E13.3412 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E13.3413 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E13.3419 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.3491 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E13.3492 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E13.3493 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E13.3499 Other specified diabetes mellitus with severe nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.3511 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, right eye
E13.3512 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, left eye
E13.3513 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, bilateral
E13.3519 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.3521 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, right eye
E13.3522 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, left eye
E13.3523 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, bilateral
E13.3529 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment involving the macula, unspecified eye
E13.3531 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, right eye
E13.3532 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, left eye
E13.3533 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, bilateral
E13.3539 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with traction retinal detachment not involving the macula, unspecified eye
E13.3541 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, right eye
E13.3542 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, left eye
E13.3543 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, bilateral
E13.3549 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy with combined traction retinal detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, unspecified eye
E13.3551 Other specified diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, right eye
E13.3552 Other specified diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, left eye
E13.3553 Other specified diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, bilateral
E13.3559 Other specified diabetes mellitus with stable proliferative diabetic retinopathy, unspecified eye
E13.3591 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, right eye
E13.3592 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, left eye
E13.3593 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, bilateral
E13.3599 Other specified diabetes mellitus with proliferative diabetic retinopathy without macular edema, unspecified eye
E13.36 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic cataract
E13.37X1 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, right eye
E13.37X2 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, left eye
E13.37X3 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, bilateral
E13.37X9 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic macular edema, resolved following treatment, unspecified eye
E13.39 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other diabetic ophthalmic complication
E13.40 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathy, unspecified
E13.41 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic mononeuropathy
E13.42 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic polyneuropathy
E13.43 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic autonomic (poly)neuropathy
E13.44 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic amyotrophy
E13.49 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other diabetic neurological complication
E13.51 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy without gangrene
E13.52 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic peripheral angiopathy with gangrene
E13.59 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other circulatory complications
E13.610 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic neuropathic arthropathy
E13.618 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other diabetic arthropathy
E13.620 Other specified diabetes mellitus with diabetic dermatitis
E13.621 Other specified diabetes mellitus with foot ulcer
E13.622 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other skin ulcer
E13.628 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other skin complications
E13.630 Other specified diabetes mellitus with periodontal disease
E13.638 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other oral complications
E13.641 Other specified diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia with coma
E13.649 Other specified diabetes mellitus with hypoglycemia without coma
E13.65 Other specified diabetes mellitus with hyperglycemia
E13.69 Other specified diabetes mellitus with other specified complication
E13.8 Other specified diabetes mellitus with unspecified complications
E13.9 Other specified diabetes mellitus without complications
E15 Nondiabetic hypoglycemic coma
E16.0 Drug-induced hypoglycemia without coma
E16.1 Other hypoglycemia
E16.2 Hypoglycemia, unspecified
E16.3 Increased secretion of glucagon
E16.4 Increased secretion of gastrin
E16.8 Other specified disorders of pancreatic internal secretion
E16.9 Disorder of pancreatic internal secretion, unspecified
E16.A1 Hypoglycemia level 1
E16.A2 Hypoglycemia level 2
E16.A3 Hypoglycemia level 3
E22.0 Acromegaly and pituitary gigantism
E22.1 Hyperprolactinemia
E22.2 Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
E22.8 Other hyperfunction of pituitary gland
E22.9 Hyperfunction of pituitary gland, unspecified
E23.0 Hypopituitarism
E23.1 Drug-induced hypopituitarism
E23.2 Diabetes insipidus
E23.3 Hypothalamic dysfunction, not elsewhere classified
E23.6 Other disorders of pituitary gland
E23.7 Disorder of pituitary gland, unspecified
E24.0 Pituitary-dependent Cushing's disease
E24.1 Nelson's syndrome
E24.2 Drug-induced Cushing's syndrome
E24.3 Ectopic ACTH syndrome
E24.4 Alcohol-induced pseudo-Cushing's syndrome
E24.8 Other Cushing's syndrome
E24.9 Cushing's syndrome, unspecified
E34.4 Constitutional tall stature
E44.0 Moderate protein-calorie malnutrition
E44.1 Mild protein-calorie malnutrition
E45 Retarded development following protein-calorie malnutrition
E46 Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition
E64.0 Sequelae of protein-calorie malnutrition
E67.1 Hypercarotenemia
E72.52 Trimethylaminuria
E72.53 Primary hyperoxaluria
E73.0 Congenital lactase deficiency
E73.1 Secondary lactase deficiency
E73.8 Other lactose intolerance
E73.9 Lactose intolerance, unspecified
E74.00 Glycogen storage disease, unspecified
E74.01 von Gierke disease
E74.02 Pompe disease
E74.03 Cori disease
E74.04 McArdle disease
E74.05 Lysosome-associated membrane protein 2 [LAMP2] deficiency
E74.09 Other glycogen storage disease
E74.10 Disorder of fructose metabolism, unspecified
E74.11 Essential fructosuria
E74.12 Hereditary fructose intolerance
E74.19 Other disorders of fructose metabolism
E74.20 Disorders of galactose metabolism, unspecified
E74.21 Galactosemia
E74.29 Other disorders of galactose metabolism
E74.31 Sucrase-isomaltase deficiency
E74.39 Other disorders of intestinal carbohydrate absorption
E74.4 Disorders of pyruvate metabolism and gluconeogenesis
E74.810 Glucose transporter protein type 1 deficiency
E74.818 Other disorders of glucose transport
E74.819 Disorders of glucose transport, unspecified
E74.89 Other specified disorders of carbohydrate metabolism
E74.9 Disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, unspecified
E75.26 Sulfatase deficiency
E77.1 Defects in glycoprotein degradation
E78.00 Pure hypercholesterolemia, unspecified
E78.01 Familial hypercholesterolemia
E78.1 Pure hyperglyceridemia
E78.2 Mixed hyperlipidemia
E78.3 Hyperchylomicronemia
E78.41 Elevated Lipoprotein(a)
E78.49 Other hyperlipidemia
E78.5 Hyperlipidemia, unspecified
E79.0 Hyperuricemia without signs of inflammatory arthritis and tophaceous disease
E83.10 Disorder of iron metabolism, unspecified
E83.110 Hereditary hemochromatosis
E83.111 Hemochromatosis due to repeated red blood cell transfusions
E83.118 Other hemochromatosis
E83.119 Hemochromatosis, unspecified
E83.19 Other disorders of iron metabolism
E83.2 Disorders of zinc metabolism
E86.0 Dehydration
E86.1 Hypovolemia
E86.9 Volume depletion, unspecified
E87.0 Hyperosmolality and hypernatremia
E87.1 Hypo-osmolality and hyponatremia
E87.20 Acidosis, unspecified
E87.21 Acute metabolic acidosis
E87.22 Chronic metabolic acidosis
E87.29 Other acidosis
E87.3 Alkalosis
E87.4 Mixed disorder of acid-base balance
E87.5 Hyperkalemia
E87.6 Hypokalemia
E87.70 Fluid overload, unspecified
E87.71 Transfusion associated circulatory overload
E87.79 Other fluid overload
E87.8 Other disorders of electrolyte and fluid balance, not elsewhere classified
E88.02 Plasminogen deficiency
E89.1 Postprocedural hypoinsulinemia
E89.3 Postprocedural hypopituitarism
F05 Delirium due to known physiological condition
F06.70 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to known physiological condition without behavioral disturbance
F06.71 Mild neurocognitive disorder due to known physiological condition with behavioral disturbance
F06.8 Other specified mental disorders due to known physiological condition
F07.0 Personality change due to known physiological condition
F12.23 Cannabis dependence with withdrawal
F28 Other psychotic disorder not due to a substance or known physiological condition
F29 Unspecified psychosis not due to a substance or known physiological condition
F48.9 Nonpsychotic mental disorder, unspecified
F68.A Factitious disorder imposed on another
F99 Mental disorder, not otherwise specified
G31.84 Mild cognitive impairment of uncertain or unknown etiology
G40.309 Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.311 Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.319 Generalized idiopathic epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.401 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.409 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.411 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.419 Other generalized epilepsy and epileptic syndromes, intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.C01 Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy, not intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.C09 Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy, not intractable, without status epilepticus
G40.C11 Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy, intractable, with status epilepticus
G40.C19 Lafora progressive myoclonus epilepsy, intractable, without status epilepticus
G56.03 Carpal tunnel syndrome, bilateral upper limbs
G56.13 Other lesions of median nerve, bilateral upper limbs
G56.23 Lesion of ulnar nerve, bilateral upper limbs
G56.33 Lesion of radial nerve, bilateral upper limbs
G56.43 Causalgia of bilateral upper limbs
G56.83 Other specified mononeuropathies of bilateral upper limbs
G56.93 Unspecified mononeuropathy of bilateral upper limbs
G57.83 Other specified mononeuropathies of bilateral lower limbs
G57.93 Unspecified mononeuropathy of bilateral lower limbs
G58.8 Other specified mononeuropathies
G58.9 Mononeuropathy, unspecified
G59 Mononeuropathy in diseases classified elsewhere
G60.9 Hereditary and idiopathic neuropathy, unspecified
G61.82 Multifocal motor neuropathy
G61.9 Inflammatory polyneuropathy, unspecified
G62.9 Polyneuropathy, unspecified
G90.2 Horner's syndrome
G90.81 Serotonin syndrome
G90.89 Other disorders of autonomic nervous system
G90.9 Disorder of the autonomic nervous system, unspecified
G90.A Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome [POTS]
G93.31 Postviral fatigue syndrome
G93.32 Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome
G93.39 Other post infection and related fatigue syndromes
G93.41 Metabolic encephalopathy
H01.001 Unspecified blepharitis right upper eyelid
H01.002 Unspecified blepharitis right lower eyelid
H01.003 Unspecified blepharitis right eye, unspecified eyelid
H01.004 Unspecified blepharitis left upper eyelid
H01.005 Unspecified blepharitis left lower eyelid
H01.006 Unspecified blepharitis left eye, unspecified eyelid
H01.009 Unspecified blepharitis unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
H02.151 Paralytic ectropion of right upper eyelid
H02.21A Cicatricial lagophthalmos right eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.21B Cicatricial lagophthalmos left eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.21C Cicatricial lagophthalmos, bilateral, upper and lower eyelids
H02.22A Mechanical lagophthalmos right eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.22B Mechanical lagophthalmos left eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.22C Mechanical lagophthalmos, bilateral, upper and lower eyelids
H02.23A Paralytic lagophthalmos right eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.23B Paralytic lagophthalmos left eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.23C Paralytic lagophthalmos, bilateral, upper and lower eyelids
H02.881 Meibomian gland dysfunction right upper eyelid
H02.882 Meibomian gland dysfunction right lower eyelid
H02.884 Meibomian gland dysfunction left upper eyelid
H02.885 Meibomian gland dysfunction left lower eyelid
H02.88A Meibomian gland dysfunction right eye, upper and lower eyelids
H02.88B Meibomian gland dysfunction left eye, upper and lower eyelids
H10.821 Rosacea conjunctivitis, right eye
H10.822 Rosacea conjunctivitis, left eye
H10.823 Rosacea conjunctivitis, bilateral
H25.011 Cortical age-related cataract, right eye
H25.012 Cortical age-related cataract, left eye
H25.013 Cortical age-related cataract, bilateral
H25.019 Cortical age-related cataract, unspecified eye
H25.031 Anterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, right eye
H25.032 Anterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, left eye
H25.033 Anterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, bilateral
H25.039 Anterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, unspecified eye
H25.041 Posterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, right eye
H25.042 Posterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, left eye
H25.043 Posterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, bilateral
H25.049 Posterior subcapsular polar age-related cataract, unspecified eye
H25.091 Other age-related incipient cataract, right eye
H25.092 Other age-related incipient cataract, left eye
H25.093 Other age-related incipient cataract, bilateral
H25.099 Other age-related incipient cataract, unspecified eye
H25.10 Age-related nuclear cataract, unspecified eye
H25.11 Age-related nuclear cataract, right eye
H25.12 Age-related nuclear cataract, left eye
H25.13 Age-related nuclear cataract, bilateral
H25.20 Age-related cataract, morgagnian type, unspecified eye
H25.21 Age-related cataract, morgagnian type, right eye
H25.22 Age-related cataract, morgagnian type, left eye
H25.23 Age-related cataract, morgagnian type, bilateral
H25.811 Combined forms of age-related cataract, right eye
H25.812 Combined forms of age-related cataract, left eye
H25.813 Combined forms of age-related cataract, bilateral
H25.819 Combined forms of age-related cataract, unspecified eye
H25.89 Other age-related cataract
H25.9 Unspecified age-related cataract
H26.001 Unspecified infantile and juvenile cataract, right eye
H26.002 Unspecified infantile and juvenile cataract, left eye
H26.003 Unspecified infantile and juvenile cataract, bilateral
H26.009 Unspecified infantile and juvenile cataract, unspecified eye
H26.011 Infantile and juvenile cortical, lamellar, or zonular cataract, right eye
H26.012 Infantile and juvenile cortical, lamellar, or zonular cataract, left eye
H26.013 Infantile and juvenile cortical, lamellar, or zonular cataract, bilateral
H26.019 Infantile and juvenile cortical, lamellar, or zonular cataract, unspecified eye
H26.031 Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract, right eye
H26.032 Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract, left eye
H26.033 Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract, bilateral
H26.039 Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract, unspecified eye
H26.041 Anterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, right eye
H26.042 Anterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, left eye
H26.043 Anterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, bilateral
H26.049 Anterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, unspecified eye
H26.051 Posterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, right eye
H26.052 Posterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, left eye
H26.053 Posterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, bilateral
H26.059 Posterior subcapsular polar infantile and juvenile cataract, unspecified eye
H26.061 Combined forms of infantile and juvenile cataract, right eye
H26.062 Combined forms of infantile and juvenile cataract, left eye
H26.063 Combined forms of infantile and juvenile cataract, bilateral
H26.069 Combined forms of infantile and juvenile cataract, unspecified eye
H26.09 Other infantile and juvenile cataract
H35.00 Unspecified background retinopathy
H35.061 Retinal vasculitis, right eye
H35.062 Retinal vasculitis, left eye
H35.063 Retinal vasculitis, bilateral
H35.069 Retinal vasculitis, unspecified eye
H35.20 Other non-diabetic proliferative retinopathy, unspecified eye
H35.21 Other non-diabetic proliferative retinopathy, right eye
H35.22 Other non-diabetic proliferative retinopathy, left eye
H35.23 Other non-diabetic proliferative retinopathy, bilateral
H35.30 Unspecified macular degeneration
H35.3110 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, stage unspecified
H35.3111 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, early dry stage
H35.3112 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, intermediate dry stage
H35.3113 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, advanced atrophic without subfoveal involvement
H35.3114 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, advanced atrophic with subfoveal involvement
H35.3120 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, stage unspecified
H35.3121 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, early dry stage
H35.3122 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, intermediate dry stage
H35.3123 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, advanced atrophic without subfoveal involvement
H35.3124 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, advanced atrophic with subfoveal involvement
H35.3130 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, stage unspecified
H35.3131 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, early dry stage
H35.3132 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, intermediate dry stage
H35.3133 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, advanced atrophic without subfoveal involvement
H35.3134 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, advanced atrophic with subfoveal involvement
H35.3190 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, stage unspecified
H35.3191 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, early dry stage
H35.3192 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, intermediate dry stage
H35.3193 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, advanced atrophic without subfoveal involvement
H35.3194 Nonexudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, advanced atrophic with subfoveal involvement
H35.3210 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, stage unspecified
H35.3211 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, with active choroidal neovascularization
H35.3212 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, with inactive choroidal neovascularization
H35.3213 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, right eye, with inactive scar
H35.3220 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, stage unspecified
H35.3221 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, with active choroidal neovascularization
H35.3222 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, with inactive choroidal neovascularization
H35.3223 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, left eye, with inactive scar
H35.3230 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, stage unspecified
H35.3231 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, with active choroidal neovascularization
H35.3232 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, with inactive choroidal neovascularization
H35.3233 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, bilateral, with inactive scar
H35.3290 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, stage unspecified
H35.3291 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, with active choroidal neovascularization
H35.3292 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, with inactive choroidal neovascularization
H35.3293 Exudative age-related macular degeneration, unspecified eye, with inactive scar
H35.341 Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole, right eye
H35.342 Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole, left eye
H35.343 Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole, bilateral
H35.349 Macular cyst, hole, or pseudohole, unspecified eye
H35.351 Cystoid macular degeneration, right eye
H35.352 Cystoid macular degeneration, left eye
H35.353 Cystoid macular degeneration, bilateral
H35.359 Cystoid macular degeneration, unspecified eye
H35.361 Drusen (degenerative) of macula, right eye
H35.362 Drusen (degenerative) of macula, left eye
H35.363 Drusen (degenerative) of macula, bilateral
H35.369 Drusen (degenerative) of macula, unspecified eye
H35.371 Puckering of macula, right eye
H35.372 Puckering of macula, left eye
H35.373 Puckering of macula, bilateral
H35.379 Puckering of macula, unspecified eye
H35.381 Toxic maculopathy, right eye
H35.382 Toxic maculopathy, left eye
H35.383 Toxic maculopathy, bilateral
H35.389 Toxic maculopathy, unspecified eye
H35.40 Unspecified peripheral retinal degeneration
H35.411 Lattice degeneration of retina, right eye
H35.412 Lattice degeneration of retina, left eye
H35.413 Lattice degeneration of retina, bilateral
H35.419 Lattice degeneration of retina, unspecified eye
H35.421 Microcystoid degeneration of retina, right eye
H35.422 Microcystoid degeneration of retina, left eye
H35.423 Microcystoid degeneration of retina, bilateral
H35.429 Microcystoid degeneration of retina, unspecified eye
H35.431 Paving stone degeneration of retina, right eye
H35.432 Paving stone degeneration of retina, left eye
H35.433 Paving stone degeneration of retina, bilateral
H35.439 Paving stone degeneration of retina, unspecified eye
H35.441 Age-related reticular degeneration of retina, right eye
H35.442 Age-related reticular degeneration of retina, left eye
H35.443 Age-related reticular degeneration of retina, bilateral
H35.449 Age-related reticular degeneration of retina, unspecified eye
H35.451 Secondary pigmentary degeneration, right eye
H35.452 Secondary pigmentary degeneration, left eye
H35.453 Secondary pigmentary degeneration, bilateral
H35.459 Secondary pigmentary degeneration, unspecified eye
H35.461 Secondary vitreoretinal degeneration, right eye
H35.462 Secondary vitreoretinal degeneration, left eye
H35.463 Secondary vitreoretinal degeneration, bilateral
H35.469 Secondary vitreoretinal degeneration, unspecified eye
H35.60 Retinal hemorrhage, unspecified eye
H35.61 Retinal hemorrhage, right eye
H35.62 Retinal hemorrhage, left eye
H35.63 Retinal hemorrhage, bilateral
H35.81 Retinal edema
H35.82 Retinal ischemia
H35.89 Other specified retinal disorders
H35.9 Unspecified retinal disorder
H40.051 Ocular hypertension, right eye
H40.052 Ocular hypertension, left eye
H40.053 Ocular hypertension, bilateral
H40.059 Ocular hypertension, unspecified eye
H40.1110 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, stage unspecified
H40.1111 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, mild stage
H40.1112 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, moderate stage
H40.1113 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, severe stage
H40.1114 Primary open-angle glaucoma, right eye, indeterminate stage
H40.1120 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, stage unspecified
H40.1121 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, mild stage
H40.1122 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, moderate stage
H40.1123 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, severe stage
H40.1124 Primary open-angle glaucoma, left eye, indeterminate stage
H40.1130 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, stage unspecified
H40.1131 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, mild stage
H40.1132 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, moderate stage
H40.1133 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, severe stage
H40.1134 Primary open-angle glaucoma, bilateral, indeterminate stage
H40.1190 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, stage unspecified
H40.1191 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, mild stage
H40.1192 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, moderate stage
H40.1193 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, severe stage
H40.1194 Primary open-angle glaucoma, unspecified eye, indeterminate stage
H40.60X0 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, unspecified eye, stage unspecified
H40.60X1 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, unspecified eye, mild stage
H40.60X2 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, unspecified eye, moderate stage
H40.60X3 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, unspecified eye, severe stage
H40.60X4 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, unspecified eye, indeterminate stage
H40.61X0 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, right eye, stage unspecified
H40.61X1 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, right eye, mild stage
H40.61X2 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, right eye, moderate stage
H40.61X3 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, right eye, severe stage
H40.61X4 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, right eye, indeterminate stage
H40.62X0 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, left eye, stage unspecified
H40.62X1 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, left eye, mild stage
H40.62X2 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, left eye, moderate stage
H40.62X3 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, left eye, severe stage
H40.62X4 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, left eye, indeterminate stage
H40.63X0 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, bilateral, stage unspecified
H40.63X1 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, bilateral, mild stage
H40.63X2 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, bilateral, moderate stage
H40.63X3 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, bilateral, severe stage
H40.63X4 Glaucoma secondary to drugs, bilateral, indeterminate stage
H47.331 Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, right eye
H47.332 Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, left eye
H47.333 Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, bilateral
H47.339 Pseudopapilledema of optic disc, unspecified eye
H47.9 Unspecified disorder of visual pathways
H49.00 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, unspecified eye
H49.01 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, right eye
H49.02 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, left eye
H49.03 Third [oculomotor] nerve palsy, bilateral
H49.10 Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, unspecified eye
H49.11 Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, right eye
H49.12 Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, left eye
H49.13 Fourth [trochlear] nerve palsy, bilateral
H49.20 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, unspecified eye
H49.21 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, right eye
H49.22 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, left eye
H49.23 Sixth [abducent] nerve palsy, bilateral
H49.40 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, unspecified eye
H49.41 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, right eye
H49.42 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, left eye
H49.43 Progressive external ophthalmoplegia, bilateral
H49.881 Other paralytic strabismus, right eye
H49.882 Other paralytic strabismus, left eye
H49.883 Other paralytic strabismus, bilateral
H49.889 Other paralytic strabismus, unspecified eye
H49.9 Unspecified paralytic strabismus
H52.10 Myopia, unspecified eye
H52.11 Myopia, right eye
H52.12 Myopia, left eye
H52.13 Myopia, bilateral
H53.71 Glare sensitivity
H53.72 Impaired contrast sensitivity
H53.8 Other visual disturbances
H57.01 Argyll Robertson pupil, atypical
I21.01 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving left main coronary artery
I21.02 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving left anterior descending coronary artery
I21.09 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other coronary artery of anterior wall
I21.11 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving right coronary artery
I21.19 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other coronary artery of inferior wall
I21.21 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving left circumflex coronary artery
I21.29 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction involving other sites
I21.3 ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of unspecified site
I21.4 Non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) myocardial infarction
I21.9 Acute myocardial infarction, unspecified
I21.A1 Myocardial infarction type 2
I21.A9 Other myocardial infarction type
I21.B Myocardial infarction with coronary microvascular dysfunction
I22.0 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of anterior wall
I22.1 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of inferior wall
I22.2 Subsequent non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) myocardial infarction
I22.8 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of other sites
I22.9 Subsequent ST elevation (STEMI) myocardial infarction of unspecified site
I25.10 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery without angina pectoris
I25.110 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unstable angina pectoris
I25.111 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.112 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with refractory angina pectoris
I25.118 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.119 Atherosclerotic heart disease of native coronary artery with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.3 Aneurysm of heart
I25.41 Coronary artery aneurysm
I25.42 Coronary artery dissection
I25.700 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with unstable angina pectoris
I25.701 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.702 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with refractory angina pectoris
I25.708 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.709 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s), unspecified, with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.710 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.711 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.712 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with refractory angina pectoris
I25.718 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.719 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.720 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.721 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.722 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with refractory angina pectoris
I25.728 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.729 Atherosclerosis of autologous artery coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.730 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.731 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.732 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with refractory angina pectoris
I25.738 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.739 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.750 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with unstable angina
I25.751 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.752 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with refractory angina pectoris
I25.758 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.759 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.760 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with unstable angina
I25.761 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.762 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with refractory angina pectoris
I25.768 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.769 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.790 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unstable angina pectoris
I25.791 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with angina pectoris with documented spasm
I25.798 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with other forms of angina pectoris
I25.799 Atherosclerosis of other coronary artery bypass graft(s) with unspecified angina pectoris
I25.810 Atherosclerosis of coronary artery bypass graft(s) without angina pectoris
I25.811 Atherosclerosis of native coronary artery of transplanted heart without angina pectoris
I25.812 Atherosclerosis of bypass graft of coronary artery of transplanted heart without angina pectoris
I25.83 Coronary atherosclerosis due to lipid rich plaque
I25.84 Coronary atherosclerosis due to calcified coronary lesion
I25.85 Chronic coronary microvascular dysfunction
I42.7 Cardiomyopathy due to drug and external agent
I42.9 Cardiomyopathy, unspecified
I50.810 Right heart failure, unspecified
I50.811 Acute right heart failure
I50.812 Chronic right heart failure
I50.813 Acute on chronic right heart failure
I50.814 Right heart failure due to left heart failure
I50.82 Biventricular heart failure
I50.83 High output heart failure
I50.84 End stage heart failure
I50.89 Other heart failure
I5A Non-ischemic myocardial injury (non-traumatic)
I70.231 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.232 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.233 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.234 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.235 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.238 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.239 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of right leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.241 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.242 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.243 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.244 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.245 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.248 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.249 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of left leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.25 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of other extremities with ulceration
I70.261 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.262 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.263 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.268 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.269 Atherosclerosis of native arteries of extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity
I70.331 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.332 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.333 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.334 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.335 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.338 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.339 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.341 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.342 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.343 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.344 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.345 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.348 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.349 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.35 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.361 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.362 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.363 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.368 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.369 Atherosclerosis of unspecified type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity
I70.431 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.432 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.433 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.434 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.435 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.438 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.439 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.441 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.442 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.443 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.444 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.445 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.448 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.449 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.45 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.461 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.462 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.463 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.468 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.469 Atherosclerosis of autologous vein bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity
I70.531 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.532 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.533 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.534 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.535 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.538 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.539 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.541 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.542 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.543 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.544 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.545 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.548 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.549 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.55 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.561 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.562 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.563 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.568 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.569 Atherosclerosis of nonautologous biological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity
I70.631 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.632 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.633 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.634 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.635 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.638 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.639 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.641 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.642 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.643 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.644 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.645 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.648 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.649 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.65 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.661 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.662 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.663 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.668 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.669 Atherosclerosis of nonbiological bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity
I70.731 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.732 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of calf
I70.733 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.734 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.735 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.738 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.739 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the right leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.741 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of thigh
I70.742 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of calf
I70.743 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of ankle
I70.744 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of heel and midfoot
I70.745 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of foot
I70.748 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of other part of lower leg
I70.749 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the left leg with ulceration of unspecified site
I70.75 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of other extremity with ulceration
I70.761 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, right leg
I70.762 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, left leg
I70.763 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, bilateral legs
I70.768 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, other extremity
I70.769 Atherosclerosis of other type of bypass graft(s) of the extremities with gangrene, unspecified extremity
I70.90 Unspecified atherosclerosis
I70.91 Generalized atherosclerosis
I73.01 Raynaud's syndrome with gangrene
I95.1 Orthostatic hypotension
I96 Gangrene, not elsewhere classified
J02.8 Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms
J02.9 Acute pharyngitis, unspecified
J12.0 Adenoviral pneumonia
J12.1 Respiratory syncytial virus pneumonia
J12.2 Parainfluenza virus pneumonia
J12.3 Human metapneumovirus pneumonia
J12.81 Pneumonia due to SARS-associated coronavirus
J12.82 Pneumonia due to coronavirus disease 2019
J12.89 Other viral pneumonia
J12.9 Viral pneumonia, unspecified
J13 Pneumonia due to Streptococcus pneumoniae
J14 Pneumonia due to Hemophilus influenzae
J15.0 Pneumonia due to Klebsiella pneumoniae
J15.1 Pneumonia due to Pseudomonas
J15.20 Pneumonia due to staphylococcus, unspecified
J15.211 Pneumonia due to Methicillin susceptible Staphylococcus aureus
J15.212 Pneumonia due to Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus
J15.29 Pneumonia due to other staphylococcus
J15.3 Pneumonia due to streptococcus, group B
J15.4 Pneumonia due to other streptococci
J15.5 Pneumonia due to Escherichia coli
J15.61 Pneumonia due to Acinetobacter baumannii
J15.69 Pneumonia due to other Gram-negative bacteria
J15.7 Pneumonia due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
J15.8 Pneumonia due to other specified bacteria
J15.9 Unspecified bacterial pneumonia
J16.0 Chlamydial pneumonia
J16.8 Pneumonia due to other specified infectious organisms
J17 Pneumonia in diseases classified elsewhere
J18.0 Bronchopneumonia, unspecified organism
J18.1 Lobar pneumonia, unspecified organism
J18.8 Other pneumonia, unspecified organism
J18.9 Pneumonia, unspecified organism
J20.0 Acute bronchitis due to Mycoplasma pneumoniae
J20.1 Acute bronchitis due to Hemophilus influenzae
J20.2 Acute bronchitis due to streptococcus
J20.3 Acute bronchitis due to coxsackievirus
J20.4 Acute bronchitis due to parainfluenza virus
J20.5 Acute bronchitis due to respiratory syncytial virus
J20.6 Acute bronchitis due to rhinovirus
J20.7 Acute bronchitis due to echovirus
J20.8 Acute bronchitis due to other specified organisms
J20.9 Acute bronchitis, unspecified
J40 Bronchitis, not specified as acute or chronic
J41.0 Simple chronic bronchitis
J41.1 Mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
J41.8 Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
J42 Unspecified chronic bronchitis
J44.0 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with (acute) lower respiratory infection
J44.1 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with (acute) exacerbation
J44.81 Bronchiolitis obliterans and bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome
J44.89 Other specified chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
J44.9 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, unspecified
J4A.0 Restrictive allograft syndrome
J4A.8 Other chronic lung allograft dysfunction
J4A.9 Chronic lung allograft dysfunction, unspecified
K11.7 Disturbances of salivary secretion
K12.1 Other forms of stomatitis
K12.2 Cellulitis and abscess of mouth
K12.30 Oral mucositis (ulcerative), unspecified
K12.39 Other oral mucositis (ulcerative)
K29.70 Gastritis, unspecified, without bleeding
K29.71 Gastritis, unspecified, with bleeding
K29.90 Gastroduodenitis, unspecified, without bleeding
K29.91 Gastroduodenitis, unspecified, with bleeding
K30 Functional dyspepsia
K52.21 Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome
K52.22 Food protein-induced enteropathy
K52.29 Other allergic and dietetic gastroenteritis and colitis
K52.89 Other specified noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis
K59.31 Toxic megacolon
K70.41 Alcoholic hepatic failure with coma
K71.11 Toxic liver disease with hepatic necrosis, with coma
K72.01 Acute and subacute hepatic failure with coma
K72.10 Chronic hepatic failure without coma
K72.11 Chronic hepatic failure with coma
K72.90 Hepatic failure, unspecified without coma
K72.91 Hepatic failure, unspecified with coma
K75.0 Abscess of liver
K75.1 Phlebitis of portal vein
K75.81 Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH)
K76.0 Fatty (change of) liver, not elsewhere classified
K76.6 Portal hypertension
K76.7 Hepatorenal syndrome
K76.82 Hepatic encephalopathy
K76.89 Other specified diseases of liver
K80.30 Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis, unspecified, without obstruction
K80.31 Calculus of bile duct with cholangitis, unspecified, with obstruction
K80.32 Calculus of bile duct with acute cholangitis without obstruction
K80.33 Calculus of bile duct with acute cholangitis with obstruction
K80.34 Calculus of bile duct with chronic cholangitis without obstruction
K80.35 Calculus of bile duct with chronic cholangitis with obstruction
K80.36 Calculus of bile duct with acute and chronic cholangitis without obstruction
K80.37 Calculus of bile duct with acute and chronic cholangitis with obstruction
K80.50 Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis without obstruction
K80.51 Calculus of bile duct without cholangitis or cholecystitis with obstruction
K81.0 Acute cholecystitis
K81.1 Chronic cholecystitis
K81.2 Acute cholecystitis with chronic cholecystitis
K81.9 Cholecystitis, unspecified
K82.A1 Gangrene of gallbladder in cholecystitis
K82.A2 Perforation of gallbladder in cholecystitis
K83.01 Primary sclerosing cholangitis
K83.09 Other cholangitis
K85.00 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection
K85.01 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis
K85.02 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis
K85.10 Biliary acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection
K85.11 Biliary acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis
K85.12 Biliary acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis
K85.20 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection
K85.21 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis
K85.22 Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis
K85.30 Drug induced acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection
K85.31 Drug induced acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis
K85.32 Drug induced acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis
K85.80 Other acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection
K85.81 Other acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis
K85.82 Other acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis
K85.90 Acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection, unspecified
K85.91 Acute pancreatitis with uninfected necrosis, unspecified
K85.92 Acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis, unspecified
K86.0 Alcohol-induced chronic pancreatitis
K86.1 Other chronic pancreatitis
K86.81 Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
K86.89 Other specified diseases of pancreas
K87 Disorders of gallbladder, biliary tract and pancreas in diseases classified elsewhere
L02.02 Furuncle of face
L02.03 Carbuncle of face
L02.12 Furuncle of neck
L02.13 Carbuncle of neck
L02.221 Furuncle of abdominal wall
L02.222 Furuncle of back [any part, except buttock]
L02.223 Furuncle of chest wall
L02.224 Furuncle of groin
L02.225 Furuncle of perineum
L02.226 Furuncle of umbilicus
L02.229 Furuncle of trunk, unspecified
L02.231 Carbuncle of abdominal wall
L02.232 Carbuncle of back [any part, except buttock]
L02.233 Carbuncle of chest wall
L02.234 Carbuncle of groin
L02.235 Carbuncle of perineum
L02.236 Carbuncle of umbilicus
L02.239 Carbuncle of trunk, unspecified
L02.32 Furuncle of buttock
L02.33 Carbuncle of buttock
L02.421 Furuncle of right axilla
L02.422 Furuncle of left axilla
L02.423 Furuncle of right upper limb
L02.424 Furuncle of left upper limb
L02.425 Furuncle of right lower limb
L02.426 Furuncle of left lower limb
L02.429 Furuncle of limb, unspecified
L02.431 Carbuncle of right axilla
L02.432 Carbuncle of left axilla
L02.433 Carbuncle of right upper limb
L02.434 Carbuncle of left upper limb
L02.435 Carbuncle of right lower limb
L02.436 Carbuncle of left lower limb
L02.439 Carbuncle of limb, unspecified
L02.521 Furuncle right hand
L02.522 Furuncle left hand
L02.529 Furuncle unspecified hand
L02.531 Carbuncle of right hand
L02.532 Carbuncle of left hand
L02.539 Carbuncle of unspecified hand
L02.621 Furuncle of right foot
L02.622 Furuncle of left foot
L02.629 Furuncle of unspecified foot
L02.631 Carbuncle of right foot
L02.632 Carbuncle of left foot
L02.639 Carbuncle of unspecified foot
L02.821 Furuncle of head [any part, except face]
L02.828 Furuncle of other sites
L02.831 Carbuncle of head [any part, except face]
L02.838 Carbuncle of other sites
L02.92 Furuncle, unspecified
L02.93 Carbuncle, unspecified
L08.0 Pyoderma
L08.81 Pyoderma vegetans
L08.82 Omphalitis not of newborn
L08.89 Other specified local infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
L08.9 Local infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, unspecified
L29.0 Pruritus ani
L29.1 Pruritus scroti
L29.2 Pruritus vulvae
L29.3 Anogenital pruritus, unspecified
L68.0 Hirsutism
L68.1 Acquired hypertrichosis lanuginosa
L68.2 Localized hypertrichosis
L68.3 Polytrichia
L68.8 Other hypertrichosis
L68.9 Hypertrichosis, unspecified
L74.4 Anhidrosis
L88 Pyoderma gangrenosum
L89.000 Pressure ulcer of unspecified elbow, unstageable
L89.001 Pressure ulcer of unspecified elbow, stage 1
L89.002 Pressure ulcer of unspecified elbow, stage 2
L89.003 Pressure ulcer of unspecified elbow, stage 3
L89.004 Pressure ulcer of unspecified elbow, stage 4
L89.009 Pressure ulcer of unspecified elbow, unspecified stage
L89.010 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, unstageable
L89.011 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 1
L89.012 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 2
L89.013 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 3
L89.014 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, stage 4
L89.016 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right elbow
L89.019 Pressure ulcer of right elbow, unspecified stage
L89.020 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, unstageable
L89.021 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 1
L89.022 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 2
L89.023 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 3
L89.024 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, stage 4
L89.026 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left elbow
L89.029 Pressure ulcer of left elbow, unspecified stage
L89.100 Pressure ulcer of unspecified part of back, unstageable
L89.101 Pressure ulcer of unspecified part of back, stage 1
L89.102 Pressure ulcer of unspecified part of back, stage 2
L89.103 Pressure ulcer of unspecified part of back, stage 3
L89.104 Pressure ulcer of unspecified part of back, stage 4
L89.109 Pressure ulcer of unspecified part of back, unspecified stage
L89.110 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, unstageable
L89.111 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 1
L89.112 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 2
L89.113 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 3
L89.114 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, stage 4
L89.116 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right upper back
L89.119 Pressure ulcer of right upper back, unspecified stage
L89.120 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, unstageable
L89.121 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 1
L89.122 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 2
L89.123 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 3
L89.124 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, stage 4
L89.126 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left upper back
L89.129 Pressure ulcer of left upper back, unspecified stage
L89.130 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, unstageable
L89.131 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 1
L89.132 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 2
L89.133 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 3
L89.134 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, stage 4
L89.136 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right lower back
L89.139 Pressure ulcer of right lower back, unspecified stage
L89.140 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, unstageable
L89.141 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 1
L89.142 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 2
L89.143 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 3
L89.144 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, stage 4
L89.146 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left lower back
L89.149 Pressure ulcer of left lower back, unspecified stage
L89.150 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, unstageable
L89.151 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 1
L89.152 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 2
L89.153 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 3
L89.154 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, stage 4
L89.156 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of sacral region
L89.159 Pressure ulcer of sacral region, unspecified stage
L89.200 Pressure ulcer of unspecified hip, unstageable
L89.201 Pressure ulcer of unspecified hip, stage 1
L89.202 Pressure ulcer of unspecified hip, stage 2
L89.203 Pressure ulcer of unspecified hip, stage 3
L89.204 Pressure ulcer of unspecified hip, stage 4
L89.209 Pressure ulcer of unspecified hip, unspecified stage
L89.210 Pressure ulcer of right hip, unstageable
L89.211 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 1
L89.212 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 2
L89.213 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 3
L89.214 Pressure ulcer of right hip, stage 4
L89.216 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right hip
L89.219 Pressure ulcer of right hip, unspecified stage
L89.220 Pressure ulcer of left hip, unstageable
L89.221 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 1
L89.222 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 2
L89.223 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 3
L89.224 Pressure ulcer of left hip, stage 4
L89.226 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left hip
L89.229 Pressure ulcer of left hip, unspecified stage
L89.300 Pressure ulcer of unspecified buttock, unstageable
L89.301 Pressure ulcer of unspecified buttock, stage 1
L89.302 Pressure ulcer of unspecified buttock, stage 2
L89.303 Pressure ulcer of unspecified buttock, stage 3
L89.304 Pressure ulcer of unspecified buttock, stage 4
L89.309 Pressure ulcer of unspecified buttock, unspecified stage
L89.310 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, unstageable
L89.311 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 1
L89.312 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 2
L89.313 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 3
L89.314 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, stage 4
L89.316 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right buttock
L89.319 Pressure ulcer of right buttock, unspecified stage
L89.320 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, unstageable
L89.321 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 1
L89.322 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 2
L89.323 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 3
L89.324 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, stage 4
L89.326 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left buttock
L89.329 Pressure ulcer of left buttock, unspecified stage
L89.40 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, unspecified stage
L89.41 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 1
L89.42 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 2
L89.43 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 3
L89.44 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, stage 4
L89.45 Pressure ulcer of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip, unstageable
L89.46 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of contiguous site of back, buttock and hip
L89.500 Pressure ulcer of unspecified ankle, unstageable
L89.501 Pressure ulcer of unspecified ankle, stage 1
L89.502 Pressure ulcer of unspecified ankle, stage 2
L89.503 Pressure ulcer of unspecified ankle, stage 3
L89.504 Pressure ulcer of unspecified ankle, stage 4
L89.509 Pressure ulcer of unspecified ankle, unspecified stage
L89.510 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, unstageable
L89.511 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 1
L89.512 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 2
L89.513 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 3
L89.514 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, stage 4
L89.516 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right ankle
L89.519 Pressure ulcer of right ankle, unspecified stage
L89.520 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, unstageable
L89.521 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 1
L89.522 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 2
L89.523 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 3
L89.524 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, stage 4
L89.526 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left ankle
L89.529 Pressure ulcer of left ankle, unspecified stage
L89.600 Pressure ulcer of unspecified heel, unstageable
L89.601 Pressure ulcer of unspecified heel, stage 1
L89.602 Pressure ulcer of unspecified heel, stage 2
L89.603 Pressure ulcer of unspecified heel, stage 3
L89.604 Pressure ulcer of unspecified heel, stage 4
L89.609 Pressure ulcer of unspecified heel, unspecified stage
L89.610 Pressure ulcer of right heel, unstageable
L89.611 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 1
L89.612 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 2
L89.613 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 3
L89.614 Pressure ulcer of right heel, stage 4
L89.616 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of right heel
L89.619 Pressure ulcer of right heel, unspecified stage
L89.620 Pressure ulcer of left heel, unstageable
L89.621 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 1
L89.622 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 2
L89.623 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 3
L89.624 Pressure ulcer of left heel, stage 4
L89.626 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of left heel
L89.629 Pressure ulcer of left heel, unspecified stage
L89.810 Pressure ulcer of head, unstageable
L89.811 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 1
L89.812 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 2
L89.813 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 3
L89.814 Pressure ulcer of head, stage 4
L89.816 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of head
L89.819 Pressure ulcer of head, unspecified stage
L89.890 Pressure ulcer of other site, unstageable
L89.891 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 1
L89.892 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 2
L89.893 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 3
L89.894 Pressure ulcer of other site, stage 4
L89.896 Pressure-induced deep tissue damage of other site
L89.899 Pressure ulcer of other site, unspecified stage
L89.90 Pressure ulcer of unspecified site, unspecified stage
L89.91 Pressure ulcer of unspecified site, stage 1
L89.92 Pressure ulcer of unspecified site, stage 2
L89.93 Pressure ulcer of unspecified site, stage 3
L89.94 Pressure ulcer of unspecified site, stage 4
L89.95 Pressure ulcer of unspecified site, unstageable
L92.1 Necrobiosis lipoidica, not elsewhere classified
L92.8 Other granulomatous disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
L94.2 Calcinosis cutis
L97.101 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified thigh limited to breakdown of skin
L97.102 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified thigh with fat layer exposed
L97.103 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified thigh with necrosis of muscle
L97.104 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified thigh with necrosis of bone
L97.109 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified thigh with unspecified severity
L97.111 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh limited to breakdown of skin
L97.112 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with fat layer exposed
L97.113 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with necrosis of muscle
L97.114 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with necrosis of bone
L97.115 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.116 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.118 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with other specified severity
L97.119 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right thigh with unspecified severity
L97.121 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh limited to breakdown of skin
L97.122 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with fat layer exposed
L97.123 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with necrosis of muscle
L97.124 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with necrosis of bone
L97.125 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.126 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.128 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with other specified severity
L97.129 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left thigh with unspecified severity
L97.201 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified calf limited to breakdown of skin
L97.202 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified calf with fat layer exposed
L97.203 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified calf with necrosis of muscle
L97.204 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified calf with necrosis of bone
L97.209 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified calf with unspecified severity
L97.211 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf limited to breakdown of skin
L97.212 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with fat layer exposed
L97.213 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with necrosis of muscle
L97.214 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with necrosis of bone
L97.215 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.216 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.218 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with other specified severity
L97.219 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right calf with unspecified severity
L97.221 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf limited to breakdown of skin
L97.222 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with fat layer exposed
L97.223 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with necrosis of muscle
L97.224 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with necrosis of bone
L97.225 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.226 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.228 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with other specified severity
L97.229 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left calf with unspecified severity
L97.301 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified ankle limited to breakdown of skin
L97.302 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified ankle with fat layer exposed
L97.303 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified ankle with necrosis of muscle
L97.304 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified ankle with necrosis of bone
L97.309 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified ankle with unspecified severity
L97.311 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle limited to breakdown of skin
L97.312 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with fat layer exposed
L97.313 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with necrosis of muscle
L97.314 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with necrosis of bone
L97.315 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.316 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.318 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with other specified severity
L97.319 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right ankle with unspecified severity
L97.321 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle limited to breakdown of skin
L97.322 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with fat layer exposed
L97.323 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with necrosis of muscle
L97.324 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with necrosis of bone
L97.325 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.326 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.328 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with other specified severity
L97.329 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left ankle with unspecified severity
L97.401 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified heel and midfoot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.402 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified heel and midfoot with fat layer exposed
L97.403 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle
L97.404 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified heel and midfoot with necrosis of bone
L97.409 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified heel and midfoot with unspecified severity
L97.411 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.412 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with fat layer exposed
L97.413 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle
L97.414 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with necrosis of bone
L97.415 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.416 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.418 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with other specified severity
L97.419 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of right heel and midfoot with unspecified severity
L97.421 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.422 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with fat layer exposed
L97.423 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with necrosis of muscle
L97.424 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with necrosis of bone
L97.425 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.426 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.428 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with other specified severity
L97.429 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of left heel and midfoot with unspecified severity
L97.501 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified foot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.502 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified foot with fat layer exposed
L97.503 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified foot with necrosis of muscle
L97.504 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified foot with necrosis of bone
L97.509 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified foot with unspecified severity
L97.511 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.512 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with fat layer exposed
L97.513 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with necrosis of muscle
L97.514 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with necrosis of bone
L97.515 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.516 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.518 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with other specified severity
L97.519 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right foot with unspecified severity
L97.521 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot limited to breakdown of skin
L97.522 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with fat layer exposed
L97.523 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with necrosis of muscle
L97.524 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with necrosis of bone
L97.525 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.526 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.528 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with other specified severity
L97.529 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left foot with unspecified severity
L97.801 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.802 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.803 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.804 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.809 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of unspecified lower leg with unspecified severity
L97.811 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.812 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.813 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.814 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.815 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.816 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.818 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with other specified severity
L97.819 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of right lower leg with unspecified severity
L97.821 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.822 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.823 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.824 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.825 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.826 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.828 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with other specified severity
L97.829 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg with unspecified severity
L97.901 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of unspecified lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.902 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of unspecified lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.903 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of unspecified lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.904 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of unspecified lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.909 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of unspecified lower leg with unspecified severity
L97.911 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.912 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.913 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.914 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.915 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.916 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.918 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with other specified severity
L97.919 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of right lower leg with unspecified severity
L97.921 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg limited to breakdown of skin
L97.922 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with fat layer exposed
L97.923 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with necrosis of muscle
L97.924 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with necrosis of bone
L97.925 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.926 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L97.928 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with other specified severity
L97.929 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of unspecified part of left lower leg with unspecified severity
L98.0 Pyogenic granuloma
L98.411 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock limited to breakdown of skin
L98.412 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with fat layer exposed
L98.413 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with necrosis of muscle
L98.414 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with necrosis of bone
L98.415 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.416 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.418 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with other specified severity
L98.419 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of buttock with unspecified severity
L98.421 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back limited to breakdown of skin
L98.422 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with fat layer exposed
L98.423 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with necrosis of muscle
L98.424 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with necrosis of bone
L98.425 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.426 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.428 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with other specified severity
L98.429 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of back with unspecified severity
L98.491 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites limited to breakdown of skin
L98.492 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with fat layer exposed
L98.493 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with necrosis of muscle
L98.494 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with necrosis of bone
L98.495 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with muscle involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.496 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with bone involvement without evidence of necrosis
L98.499 Non-pressure chronic ulcer of skin of other sites with unspecified severity
L98.8 Other specified disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissue
M04.1 Periodic fever syndromes
M60.80 Other myositis, unspecified site
M60.811 Other myositis, right shoulder
M60.812 Other myositis, left shoulder
M60.819 Other myositis, unspecified shoulder
M60.821 Other myositis, right upper arm
M60.822 Other myositis, left upper arm
M60.829 Other myositis, unspecified upper arm
M60.831 Other myositis, right forearm
M60.832 Other myositis, left forearm
M60.839 Other myositis, unspecified forearm
M60.841 Other myositis, right hand
M60.842 Other myositis, left hand
M60.849 Other myositis, unspecified hand
M60.851 Other myositis, right thigh
M60.852 Other myositis, left thigh
M60.859 Other myositis, unspecified thigh
M60.861 Other myositis, right lower leg
M60.862 Other myositis, left lower leg
M60.869 Other myositis, unspecified lower leg
M60.871 Other myositis, right ankle and foot
M60.872 Other myositis, left ankle and foot
M60.879 Other myositis, unspecified ankle and foot
M60.88 Other myositis, other site
M60.89 Other myositis, multiple sites
M60.9 Myositis, unspecified
M79.10 Myalgia, unspecified site
M79.11 Myalgia of mastication muscle
M79.12 Myalgia of auxiliary muscles, head and neck
M79.18 Myalgia, other site
M79.7 Fibromyalgia
M86.071 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, right ankle and foot
M86.072 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, left ankle and foot
M86.079 Acute hematogenous osteomyelitis, unspecified ankle and foot
M86.171 Other acute osteomyelitis, right ankle and foot
M86.172 Other acute osteomyelitis, left ankle and foot
M86.179 Other acute osteomyelitis, unspecified ankle and foot
M86.271 Subacute osteomyelitis, right ankle and foot
M86.272 Subacute osteomyelitis, left ankle and foot
M86.279 Subacute osteomyelitis, unspecified ankle and foot
M86.371 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, right ankle and foot
M86.372 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, left ankle and foot
M86.379 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis, unspecified ankle and foot
M86.471 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, right ankle and foot
M86.472 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, left ankle and foot
M86.479 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus, unspecified ankle and foot
M86.571 Other chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, right ankle and foot
M86.572 Other chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, left ankle and foot
M86.579 Other chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis, unspecified ankle and foot
M86.671 Other chronic osteomyelitis, right ankle and foot
M86.672 Other chronic osteomyelitis, left ankle and foot
M86.679 Other chronic osteomyelitis, unspecified ankle and foot
M86.8X7 Other osteomyelitis, ankle and foot
M86.9 Osteomyelitis, unspecified
N10 Acute pyelonephritis
N11.0 Nonobstructive reflux-associated chronic pyelonephritis
N11.1 Chronic obstructive pyelonephritis
N11.8 Other chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis
N11.9 Chronic tubulo-interstitial nephritis, unspecified
N12 Tubulo-interstitial nephritis, not specified as acute or chronic
N13.6 Pyonephrosis
N15.1 Renal and perinephric abscess
N15.9 Renal tubulo-interstitial disease, unspecified
N16 Renal tubulo-interstitial disorders in diseases classified elsewhere
N28.84 Pyelitis cystica
N28.85 Pyeloureteritis cystica
N28.86 Ureteritis cystica
N30.90 Cystitis, unspecified without hematuria
N30.91 Cystitis, unspecified with hematuria
N31.2 Flaccid neuropathic bladder, not elsewhere classified
N35.016 Post-traumatic urethral stricture, male, overlapping sites
N35.116 Postinfective urethral stricture, not elsewhere classified, male, overlapping sites
N39.0 Urinary tract infection, site not specified
N44.1 Cyst of tunica albuginea testis
N44.2 Benign cyst of testis
N44.8 Other noninflammatory disorders of the testis
N50.3 Cyst of epididymis
N50.811 Right testicular pain
N50.812 Left testicular pain
N50.819 Testicular pain, unspecified
N50.82 Scrotal pain
N50.89 Other specified disorders of the male genital organs
N52.01 Erectile dysfunction due to arterial insufficiency
N52.02 Corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction
N52.03 Combined arterial insufficiency and corporo-venous occlusive erectile dysfunction
N52.1 Erectile dysfunction due to diseases classified elsewhere
N52.2 Drug-induced erectile dysfunction
N52.31 Erectile dysfunction following radical prostatectomy
N52.32 Erectile dysfunction following radical cystectomy
N52.33 Erectile dysfunction following urethral surgery
N52.34 Erectile dysfunction following simple prostatectomy
N52.35 Erectile dysfunction following radiation therapy
N52.36 Erectile dysfunction following interstitial seed therapy
N52.37 Erectile dysfunction following prostate ablative therapy
N52.39 Other and unspecified postprocedural erectile dysfunction
N52.8 Other male erectile dysfunction
N52.9 Male erectile dysfunction, unspecified
N53.12 Painful ejaculation
N53.8 Other male sexual dysfunction
N53.9 Unspecified male sexual dysfunction
N76.0 Acute vaginitis
N76.1 Subacute and chronic vaginitis
N76.2 Acute vulvitis
N76.3 Subacute and chronic vulvitis
N91.0 Primary amenorrhea
N91.1 Secondary amenorrhea
N91.2 Amenorrhea, unspecified
N92.5 Other specified irregular menstruation
N92.6 Irregular menstruation, unspecified
N97.9 Female infertility, unspecified
O09.00 Supervision of pregnancy with history of infertility, unspecified trimester
O09.01 Supervision of pregnancy with history of infertility, first trimester
O09.02 Supervision of pregnancy with history of infertility, second trimester
O09.03 Supervision of pregnancy with history of infertility, third trimester
O09.10 Supervision of pregnancy with history of ectopic pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O09.11 Supervision of pregnancy with history of ectopic pregnancy, first trimester
O09.12 Supervision of pregnancy with history of ectopic pregnancy, second trimester
O09.13 Supervision of pregnancy with history of ectopic pregnancy, third trimester
O09.211 Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, first trimester
O09.212 Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, second trimester
O09.213 Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, third trimester
O09.219 Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, unspecified trimester
O09.291 Supervision of pregnancy with other poor reproductive or obstetric history, first trimester
O09.292 Supervision of pregnancy with other poor reproductive or obstetric history, second trimester
O09.293 Supervision of pregnancy with other poor reproductive or obstetric history, third trimester
O09.299 Supervision of pregnancy with other poor reproductive or obstetric history, unspecified trimester
O09.30 Supervision of pregnancy with insufficient antenatal care, unspecified trimester
O09.31 Supervision of pregnancy with insufficient antenatal care, first trimester
O09.32 Supervision of pregnancy with insufficient antenatal care, second trimester
O09.33 Supervision of pregnancy with insufficient antenatal care, third trimester
O09.40 Supervision of pregnancy with grand multiparity, unspecified trimester
O09.41 Supervision of pregnancy with grand multiparity, first trimester
O09.42 Supervision of pregnancy with grand multiparity, second trimester
O09.43 Supervision of pregnancy with grand multiparity, third trimester
O09.511 Supervision of elderly primigravida, first trimester
O09.512 Supervision of elderly primigravida, second trimester
O09.513 Supervision of elderly primigravida, third trimester
O09.519 Supervision of elderly primigravida, unspecified trimester
O09.521 Supervision of elderly multigravida, first trimester
O09.522 Supervision of elderly multigravida, second trimester
O09.523 Supervision of elderly multigravida, third trimester
O09.529 Supervision of elderly multigravida, unspecified trimester
O09.611 Supervision of young primigravida, first trimester
O09.612 Supervision of young primigravida, second trimester
O09.613 Supervision of young primigravida, third trimester
O09.619 Supervision of young primigravida, unspecified trimester
O09.621 Supervision of young multigravida, first trimester
O09.622 Supervision of young multigravida, second trimester
O09.623 Supervision of young multigravida, third trimester
O09.629 Supervision of young multigravida, unspecified trimester
O09.70 Supervision of high risk pregnancy due to social problems, unspecified trimester
O09.71 Supervision of high risk pregnancy due to social problems, first trimester
O09.72 Supervision of high risk pregnancy due to social problems, second trimester
O09.73 Supervision of high risk pregnancy due to social problems, third trimester
O09.811 Supervision of pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive technology, first trimester
O09.812 Supervision of pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive technology, second trimester
O09.813 Supervision of pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive technology, third trimester
O09.819 Supervision of pregnancy resulting from assisted reproductive technology, unspecified trimester
O09.821 Supervision of pregnancy with history of in utero procedure during previous pregnancy, first trimester
O09.822 Supervision of pregnancy with history of in utero procedure during previous pregnancy, second trimester
O09.823 Supervision of pregnancy with history of in utero procedure during previous pregnancy, third trimester
O09.829 Supervision of pregnancy with history of in utero procedure during previous pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O09.891 Supervision of other high risk pregnancies, first trimester
O09.892 Supervision of other high risk pregnancies, second trimester
O09.893 Supervision of other high risk pregnancies, third trimester
O09.899 Supervision of other high risk pregnancies, unspecified trimester
O09.90 Supervision of high risk pregnancy, unspecified, unspecified trimester
O09.91 Supervision of high risk pregnancy, unspecified, first trimester
O09.92 Supervision of high risk pregnancy, unspecified, second trimester
O09.93 Supervision of high risk pregnancy, unspecified, third trimester
O09.A0 Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O09.A1 Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar pregnancy, first trimester
O09.A2 Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar pregnancy, second trimester
O09.A3 Supervision of pregnancy with history of molar pregnancy, third trimester
O11.4 Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth
O11.5 Pre-existing hypertension with pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium
O12.04 Gestational edema, complicating childbirth
O12.05 Gestational edema, complicating the puerperium
O12.14 Gestational proteinuria, complicating childbirth
O12.15 Gestational proteinuria, complicating the puerperium
O12.24 Gestational edema with proteinuria, complicating childbirth
O12.25 Gestational edema with proteinuria, complicating the puerperium
O13.4 Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant proteinuria, complicating childbirth
O13.5 Gestational [pregnancy-induced] hypertension without significant proteinuria, complicating the puerperium
O14.04 Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth
O14.05 Mild to moderate pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium
O14.14 Severe pre-eclampsia complicating childbirth
O14.15 Severe pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium
O14.24 HELLP syndrome, complicating childbirth
O14.25 HELLP syndrome, complicating the puerperium
O14.94 Unspecified pre-eclampsia, complicating childbirth
O14.95 Unspecified pre-eclampsia, complicating the puerperium
O16.4 Unspecified maternal hypertension, complicating childbirth
O16.5 Unspecified maternal hypertension, complicating the puerperium
O24.011 Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.012 Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.013 Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.019 Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.03 Pre-existing type 1 diabetes mellitus, in the puerperium
O24.111 Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.112 Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.113 Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.119 Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.13 Pre-existing type 2 diabetes mellitus, in the puerperium
O24.311 Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.312 Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.313 Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.319 Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.33 Unspecified pre-existing diabetes mellitus in the puerperium
O24.410 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, diet controlled
O24.414 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, insulin controlled
O24.415 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
O24.419 Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified control
O24.425 Gestational diabetes mellitus in childbirth, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
O24.430 Gestational diabetes mellitus in the puerperium, diet controlled
O24.434 Gestational diabetes mellitus in the puerperium, insulin controlled
O24.435 Gestational diabetes mellitus in puerperium, controlled by oral hypoglycemic drugs
O24.439 Gestational diabetes mellitus in the puerperium, unspecified control
O24.811 Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.812 Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.813 Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.819 Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.83 Other pre-existing diabetes mellitus in the puerperium
O24.911 Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, first trimester
O24.912 Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, second trimester
O24.913 Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, third trimester
O24.919 Unspecified diabetes mellitus in pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O24.93 Unspecified diabetes mellitus in the puerperium
O30.131 Triplet pregnancy, trichorionic/triamniotic, first trimester
O30.132 Triplet pregnancy, trichorionic/triamniotic, second trimester
O30.133 Triplet pregnancy, trichorionic/triamniotic, third trimester
O30.139 Triplet pregnancy, trichorionic/triamniotic, unspecified trimester
O30.231 Quadruplet pregnancy, quadrachorionic/quadra-amniotic, first trimester
O30.232 Quadruplet pregnancy, quadrachorionic/quadra-amniotic, second trimester
O30.233 Quadruplet pregnancy, quadrachorionic/quadra-amniotic, third trimester
O30.239 Quadruplet pregnancy, quadrachorionic/quadra-amniotic, unspecified trimester
O30.831 Other specified multiple gestation, number of chorions and amnions are both equal to the number of fetuses, first trimester
O30.832 Other specified multiple gestation, number of chorions and amnions are both equal to the number of fetuses, second trimester
O30.833 Other specified multiple gestation, number of chorions and amnions are both equal to the number of fetuses, third trimester
O30.839 Other specified multiple gestation, number of chorions and amnions are both equal to the number of fetuses, unspecified trimester
O33.7XX0 Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, not applicable or unspecified
O33.7XX1 Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, fetus 1
O33.7XX2 Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, fetus 2
O33.7XX3 Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, fetus 3
O33.7XX4 Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, fetus 4
O33.7XX5 Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, fetus 5
O33.7XX9 Maternal care for disproportion due to other fetal deformities, other fetus
O36.60X0 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O36.60X1 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester, fetus 1
O36.60X2 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester, fetus 2
O36.60X3 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester, fetus 3
O36.60X4 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester, fetus 4
O36.60X5 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester, fetus 5
O36.60X9 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, unspecified trimester, other fetus
O36.61X0 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, first trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O36.61X1 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, first trimester, fetus 1
O36.61X2 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, first trimester, fetus 2
O36.61X3 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, first trimester, fetus 3
O36.61X4 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, first trimester, fetus 4
O36.61X5 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, first trimester, fetus 5
O36.61X9 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, first trimester, other fetus
O36.62X0 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, second trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O36.62X1 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, second trimester, fetus 1
O36.62X2 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, second trimester, fetus 2
O36.62X3 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, second trimester, fetus 3
O36.62X4 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, second trimester, fetus 4
O36.62X5 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, second trimester, fetus 5
O36.62X9 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, second trimester, other fetus
O36.63X0 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O36.63X1 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, fetus 1
O36.63X2 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, fetus 2
O36.63X3 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, fetus 3
O36.63X4 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, fetus 4
O36.63X5 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, fetus 5
O36.63X9 Maternal care for excessive fetal growth, third trimester, other fetus
O36.80X0 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, not applicable or unspecified
O36.80X1 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, fetus 1
O36.80X2 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, fetus 2
O36.80X3 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, fetus 3
O36.80X4 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, fetus 4
O36.80X5 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, fetus 5
O36.80X9 Pregnancy with inconclusive fetal viability, other fetus
O40.1XX0 Polyhydramnios, first trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O40.1XX1 Polyhydramnios, first trimester, fetus 1
O40.1XX2 Polyhydramnios, first trimester, fetus 2
O40.1XX3 Polyhydramnios, first trimester, fetus 3
O40.1XX4 Polyhydramnios, first trimester, fetus 4
O40.1XX5 Polyhydramnios, first trimester, fetus 5
O40.1XX9 Polyhydramnios, first trimester, other fetus
O40.2XX0 Polyhydramnios, second trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O40.2XX1 Polyhydramnios, second trimester, fetus 1
O40.2XX2 Polyhydramnios, second trimester, fetus 2
O40.2XX3 Polyhydramnios, second trimester, fetus 3
O40.2XX4 Polyhydramnios, second trimester, fetus 4
O40.2XX5 Polyhydramnios, second trimester, fetus 5
O40.2XX9 Polyhydramnios, second trimester, other fetus
O40.3XX0 Polyhydramnios, third trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O40.3XX1 Polyhydramnios, third trimester, fetus 1
O40.3XX2 Polyhydramnios, third trimester, fetus 2
O40.3XX3 Polyhydramnios, third trimester, fetus 3
O40.3XX4 Polyhydramnios, third trimester, fetus 4
O40.3XX5 Polyhydramnios, third trimester, fetus 5
O40.3XX9 Polyhydramnios, third trimester, other fetus
O40.9XX0 Polyhydramnios, unspecified trimester, not applicable or unspecified
O40.9XX1 Polyhydramnios, unspecified trimester, fetus 1
O40.9XX2 Polyhydramnios, unspecified trimester, fetus 2
O40.9XX3 Polyhydramnios, unspecified trimester, fetus 3
O40.9XX4 Polyhydramnios, unspecified trimester, fetus 4
O40.9XX5 Polyhydramnios, unspecified trimester, fetus 5
O40.9XX9 Polyhydramnios, unspecified trimester, other fetus
O44.20 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage, unspecified trimester
O44.21 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage, first trimester
O44.22 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage, second trimester
O44.23 Partial placenta previa NOS or without hemorrhage, third trimester
O44.30 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, unspecified trimester
O44.31 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, first trimester
O44.32 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, second trimester
O44.33 Partial placenta previa with hemorrhage, third trimester
O44.40 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemorrhage, unspecified trimester
O44.41 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemorrhage, first trimester
O44.42 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemorrhage, second trimester
O44.43 Low lying placenta NOS or without hemorrhage, third trimester
O44.50 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, unspecified trimester
O44.51 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, first trimester
O44.52 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, second trimester
O44.53 Low lying placenta with hemorrhage, third trimester
O99.810 Abnormal glucose complicating pregnancy
O99.815 Abnormal glucose complicating the puerperium
O99.840 Bariatric surgery status complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
O99.841 Bariatric surgery status complicating pregnancy, first trimester
O99.842 Bariatric surgery status complicating pregnancy, second trimester
O99.843 Bariatric surgery status complicating pregnancy, third trimester
O99.844 Bariatric surgery status complicating childbirth
O99.845 Bariatric surgery status complicating the puerperium
P78.84 Gestational alloimmune liver disease
R00.0 Tachycardia, unspecified
R06.00 Dyspnea, unspecified
R06.09 Other forms of dyspnea
R06.3 Periodic breathing
R06.4 Hyperventilation
R06.83 Snoring
R06.89 Other abnormalities of breathing
R07.9 Chest pain, unspecified
R15.0 Incomplete defecation
R15.1 Fecal smearing
R15.2 Fecal urgency
R15.9 Full incontinence of feces
R16.0 Hepatomegaly, not elsewhere classified
R16.2 Hepatomegaly with splenomegaly, not elsewhere classified
R19.7 Diarrhea, unspecified
R20.0 Anesthesia of skin
R20.1 Hypoesthesia of skin
R20.2 Paresthesia of skin
R20.3 Hyperesthesia
R20.8 Other disturbances of skin sensation
R20.9 Unspecified disturbances of skin sensation
R25.0 Abnormal head movements
R25.1 Tremor, unspecified
R25.2 Cramp and spasm
R25.3 Fasciculation
R25.8 Other abnormal involuntary movements
R25.9 Unspecified abnormal involuntary movements
R29.2 Abnormal reflex
R29.700 NIHSS score 0
R29.701 NIHSS score 1
R29.702 NIHSS score 2
R29.703 NIHSS score 3
R29.704 NIHSS score 4
R29.705 NIHSS score 5
R29.706 NIHSS score 6
R29.707 NIHSS score 7
R29.708 NIHSS score 8
R29.709 NIHSS score 9
R29.710 NIHSS score 10
R29.711 NIHSS score 11
R29.712 NIHSS score 12
R29.713 NIHSS score 13
R29.714 NIHSS score 14
R29.715 NIHSS score 15
R29.716 NIHSS score 16
R29.717 NIHSS score 17
R29.718 NIHSS score 18
R29.719 NIHSS score 19
R29.720 NIHSS score 20
R29.721 NIHSS score 21
R29.722 NIHSS score 22
R29.723 NIHSS score 23
R29.724 NIHSS score 24
R29.725 NIHSS score 25
R29.726 NIHSS score 26
R29.727 NIHSS score 27
R29.728 NIHSS score 28
R29.729 NIHSS score 29
R29.730 NIHSS score 30
R29.731 NIHSS score 31
R29.732 NIHSS score 32
R29.733 NIHSS score 33
R29.734 NIHSS score 34
R29.735 NIHSS score 35
R29.736 NIHSS score 36
R29.737 NIHSS score 37
R29.738 NIHSS score 38
R29.739 NIHSS score 39
R29.740 NIHSS score 40
R29.741 NIHSS score 41
R29.742 NIHSS score 42
R35.0 Frequency of micturition
R35.1 Nocturia
R35.81 Nocturnal polyuria
R35.89 Other polyuria
R40.0 Somnolence
R40.1 Stupor
R40.20 Unspecified coma
R40.2110 Coma scale, eyes open, never, unspecified time
R40.2111 Coma scale, eyes open, never, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2112 Coma scale, eyes open, never, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2113 Coma scale, eyes open, never, at hospital admission
R40.2114 Coma scale, eyes open, never, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2120 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, unspecified time
R40.2121 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2122 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2123 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, at hospital admission
R40.2124 Coma scale, eyes open, to pain, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2210 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, unspecified time
R40.2211 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2212 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2213 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, at hospital admission
R40.2214 Coma scale, best verbal response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2220 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, unspecified time
R40.2221 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2222 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2223 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, at hospital admission
R40.2224 Coma scale, best verbal response, incomprehensible words, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2310 Coma scale, best motor response, none, unspecified time
R40.2311 Coma scale, best motor response, none, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2312 Coma scale, best motor response, none, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2313 Coma scale, best motor response, none, at hospital admission
R40.2314 Coma scale, best motor response, none, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2320 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, unspecified time
R40.2321 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2322 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2323 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, at hospital admission
R40.2324 Coma scale, best motor response, extension, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2340 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, unspecified time
R40.2341 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2342 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2343 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, at hospital admission
R40.2344 Coma scale, best motor response, flexion withdrawal, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2410 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, unspecified time
R40.2411 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2412 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2413 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, at hospital admission
R40.2414 Glasgow coma scale score 13-15, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2420 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, unspecified time
R40.2421 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2422 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2423 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, at hospital admission
R40.2424 Glasgow coma scale score 9-12, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2430 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, unspecified time
R40.2431 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2432 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2433 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, at hospital admission
R40.2434 Glasgow coma scale score 3-8, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2440 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, unspecified time
R40.2441 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, in the field [EMT or ambulance]
R40.2442 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, at arrival to emergency department
R40.2443 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, at hospital admission
R40.2444 Other coma, without documented Glasgow coma scale score, or with partial score reported, 24 hours or more after hospital admission
R40.2A Nontraumatic coma due to underlying condition
R40.4 Transient alteration of awareness
R42 Dizziness and giddiness
R45.2 Unhappiness
R45.5 Hostility
R45.6 Violent behavior
R53.0 Neoplastic (malignant) related fatigue
R53.1 Weakness
R53.2 Functional quadriplegia
R53.81 Other malaise
R53.82 Chronic fatigue, unspecified
R53.83 Other fatigue
R55 Syncope and collapse
R56.00 Simple febrile convulsions
R56.01 Complex febrile convulsions
R56.1 Post traumatic seizures
R56.9 Unspecified convulsions
R61 Generalized hyperhidrosis
R63.1 Polydipsia
R63.2 Polyphagia
R63.4 Abnormal weight loss
R63.5 Abnormal weight gain
R64 Cachexia
R68.2 Dry mouth, unspecified
R73.01 Impaired fasting glucose
R73.02 Impaired glucose tolerance (oral)
R73.03 Prediabetes
R73.09 Other abnormal glucose
R73.9 Hyperglycemia, unspecified
R78.71 Abnormal lead level in blood
R78.79 Finding of abnormal level of heavy metals in blood
R78.89 Finding of other specified substances, not normally found in blood
R79.0 Abnormal level of blood mineral
R79.83 Abnormal findings of blood amino-acid level
R79.89 Other specified abnormal findings of blood chemistry
R79.9 Abnormal finding of blood chemistry, unspecified
R80.0 Isolated proteinuria
R80.1 Persistent proteinuria, unspecified
R80.3 Bence Jones proteinuria
R80.8 Other proteinuria
R80.9 Proteinuria, unspecified
R81 Glycosuria
S02.101A Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.101B Fracture of base of skull, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.102A Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.102B Fracture of base of skull, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.109A Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.109B Fracture of base of skull, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11AA Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11AB Type I occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11BA Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11BB Type I occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11CA Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11CB Type II occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11DA Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11DB Type II occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11EA Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11EB Type III occipital condyle fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11FA Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11FB Type III occipital condyle fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11GA Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11GB Other fracture of occiput, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.11HA Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.11HB Other fracture of occiput, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.121A Fracture of orbital roof, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.121B Fracture of orbital roof, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.121D Fracture of orbital roof, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.121G Fracture of orbital roof, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.121K Fracture of orbital roof, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.121S Fracture of orbital roof, right side, sequela
S02.122A Fracture of orbital roof, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.122B Fracture of orbital roof, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.122D Fracture of orbital roof, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.122G Fracture of orbital roof, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.122K Fracture of orbital roof, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.122S Fracture of orbital roof, left side, sequela
S02.129A Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.129B Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.129D Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.129G Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.129K Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.129S Fracture of orbital roof, unspecified side, sequela
S02.30XA Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.30XB Fracture of orbital floor, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.31XA Fracture of orbital floor, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.31XB Fracture of orbital floor, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.32XA Fracture of orbital floor, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.32XB Fracture of orbital floor, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40AA Malar fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40AB Malar fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40BA Malar fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40BB Malar fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40CA Maxillary fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40CB Maxillary fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40DA Maxillary fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40DB Maxillary fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40EA Zygomatic fracture, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40EB Zygomatic fracture, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.40FA Zygomatic fracture, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.40FB Zygomatic fracture, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.601A Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.601B Fracture of unspecified part of body of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.602A Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.602B Fracture of unspecified part of body of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.610A Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.610B Fracture of condylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.611A Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.611B Fracture of condylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.612A Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.612B Fracture of condylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.620A Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.620B Fracture of subcondylar process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.621A Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.621B Fracture of subcondylar process of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.622A Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.622B Fracture of subcondylar process of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.630A Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.630B Fracture of coronoid process of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.631A Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.631B Fracture of coronoid process of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.632A Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.632B Fracture of coronoid process of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.640A Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.640B Fracture of ramus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.641A Fracture of ramus of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.641B Fracture of ramus of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.642A Fracture of ramus of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.642B Fracture of ramus of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.650A Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.650B Fracture of angle of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.651A Fracture of angle of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.651B Fracture of angle of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.652A Fracture of angle of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.652B Fracture of angle of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.670A Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.670B Fracture of alveolus of mandible, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.671A Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.671B Fracture of alveolus of right mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.672A Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.672B Fracture of alveolus of left mandible, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.80XA Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.80XB Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.81XA Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.81XB Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.82XA Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.82XB Fracture of other specified skull and facial bones, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.831A Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.831B Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.831D Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.831G Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.831K Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.831S Fracture of medial orbital wall, right side, sequela
S02.832A Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.832B Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.832D Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.832G Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.832K Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.832S Fracture of medial orbital wall, left side, sequela
S02.839A Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.839B Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.839D Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.839G Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.839K Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.839S Fracture of medial orbital wall, unspecified side, sequela
S02.841A Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.841B Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.841D Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.841G Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.841K Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.841S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, right side, sequela
S02.842A Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.842B Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.842D Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.842G Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.842K Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.842S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, left side, sequela
S02.849A Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.849B Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.849D Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.849G Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.849K Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.849S Fracture of lateral orbital wall, unspecified side, sequela
S02.85XA Fracture of orbit, unspecified, initial encounter for closed fracture
S02.85XB Fracture of orbit, unspecified, initial encounter for open fracture
S02.85XD Fracture of orbit, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S02.85XG Fracture of orbit, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with delayed healing
S02.85XK Fracture of orbit, unspecified, subsequent encounter for fracture with nonunion
S02.85XS Fracture of orbit, unspecified, sequela
S92.812A Other fracture of left foot, initial encounter for closed fracture
S92.812B Other fracture of left foot, initial encounter for open fracture
S92.819A Other fracture of unspecified foot, initial encounter for closed fracture
S92.819B Other fracture of unspecified foot, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.001A Unspecified physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.002A Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.002B Unspecified physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.009A Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.009B Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.011B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.011D Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of right calcaneus, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S99.012A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.012B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.019A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.019B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.021A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.021B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.022A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.022B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.029A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.029B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.031B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.031D Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of right calcaneus, subsequent encounter for fracture with routine healing
S99.032A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.032B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.039A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.039B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.041A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.041B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.042A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.042B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.049A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.049B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.091A Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.091B Other physeal fracture of right calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.092A Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.092B Other physeal fracture of left calcaneus, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.099A Other physeal fracture of unspecified calcaneus, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.101A Unspecified physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.102A Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.102B Unspecified physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.109A Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.109B Unspecified physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.111A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.111B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.112A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.112B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.119A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.119B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.121A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.121B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.122A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.122B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.129A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.129B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.131A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.131B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.132A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.132B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.139A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.139B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.141A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.141B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of right metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.142A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.142B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.149A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.149B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.192A Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.192B Other physeal fracture of left metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.199A Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.199B Other physeal fracture of unspecified metatarsal, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.201A Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.201B Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.202A Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.202B Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.209A Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.209B Unspecified physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.211A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.211B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.212A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.212B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.219A Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.219B Salter-Harris Type I physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.221A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.221B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.222A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.222B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.229A Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.229B Salter-Harris Type II physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.231A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.231B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.232A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.232B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.239A Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.239B Salter-Harris Type III physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.241A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.241B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.242A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.242B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.249A Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.249B Salter-Harris Type IV physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.291A Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.291B Other physeal fracture of phalanx of right toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.292A Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.292B Other physeal fracture of phalanx of left toe, initial encounter for open fracture
S99.299A Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for closed fracture
S99.299B Other physeal fracture of phalanx of unspecified toe, initial encounter for open fracture
T82.855A Stenosis of coronary artery stent, initial encounter
T82.855D Stenosis of coronary artery stent, subsequent encounter
T82.855S Stenosis of coronary artery stent, sequela
T82.856A Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, initial encounter
T82.856D Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, subsequent encounter
T82.856S Stenosis of peripheral vascular stent, sequela
U07.1 COVID-19
U09.9 Post COVID-19 condition, unspecified
Z05.0 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected cardiac condition ruled out
Z05.1 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected infectious condition ruled out
Z05.2 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected neurological condition ruled out
Z05.3 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected respiratory condition ruled out
Z05.41 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genetic condition ruled out
Z05.42 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected metabolic condition ruled out
Z05.43 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected immunologic condition ruled out
Z05.5 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected gastrointestinal condition ruled out
Z05.6 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected genitourinary condition ruled out
Z05.71 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected skin and subcutaneous tissue condition ruled out
Z05.72 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected musculoskeletal condition ruled out
Z05.73 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected connective tissue condition ruled out
Z05.81 Observation and evaluation of newborn for suspected condition related to home physiologic monitoring device ruled out
Z05.89 Observation and evaluation of newborn for other specified suspected condition ruled out
Z05.9 Observation and evaluation of newborn for unspecified suspected condition ruled out
Z08 Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for malignant neoplasm
Z09 Encounter for follow-up examination after completed treatment for conditions other than malignant neoplasm
Z13.1 Encounter for screening for diabetes mellitus
Z19.1 Hormone sensitive malignancy status
Z19.2 Hormone resistant malignancy status
Z28.310 Unvaccinated for COVID-19
Z28.311 Partially vaccinated for COVID-19
Z51.A Encounter for sepsis aftercare
Z79.02 Long term (current) use of antithrombotics/antiplatelets
Z79.1 Long term (current) use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID)
Z79.3 Long term (current) use of hormonal contraceptives
Z79.4 Long term (current) use of insulin
Z79.51 Long term (current) use of inhaled steroids
Z79.52 Long term (current) use of systemic steroids
Z79.60 Long term (current) use of unspecified immunomodulators and immunosuppressants
Z79.61 Long term (current) use of immunomodulator
Z79.620 Long term (current) use of immunosuppressive biologic
Z79.621 Long term (current) use of calcineurin inhibitor
Z79.622 Long term (current) use of Janus kinase inhibitor
Z79.623 Long term (current) use of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor
Z79.624 Long term (current) use of inhibitors of nucleotide synthesis
Z79.630 Long term (current) use of alkylating agent
Z79.631 Long term (current) use of antimetabolite agent
Z79.632 Long term (current) use of antitumor antibiotic
Z79.633 Long term (current) use of mitotic inhibitor
Z79.634 Long term (current) use of topoisomerase inhibitor
Z79.64 Long term (current) use of myelosuppressive agent
Z79.69 Long term (current) use of other immunomodulators and immunosuppressants
Z79.84 Long term (current) use of oral hypoglycemic drugs
Z79.85 Long-term (current) use of injectable non-insulin antidiabetic drugs
Z79.891 Long term (current) use of opiate analgesic
Z79.899 Other long term (current) drug therapy
Z83.430 Family history of elevated lipoprotein(a)
Z83.438 Family history of other disorder of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidemia
Z84.82 Family history of sudden infant death syndrome