CodeMap® Reimbursement Information | CodeMap® Compliance Briefings | CodeMap® Website | Disclaimers


This information contained in this website has been compiled by CodeMap, L.L.C. to assist Bio-Rad customers in preparing and submitting claims to Medicare and CodeMap. The information provided is for general educational purposes only and may not be conclusive or exhaustive. Recent changes in applicable law, regulations and interpretations may not be reflected in the information contained herein. CodeMap, L.L.C. is solely responsible for the accuracy of all content. While every effort is made to ensure that all payment amounts and regulatory information is current and complete, it is the responsibility of each user to verify specific coverage and payment information with their Medicare contractors. All questions regarding the accuracy or sources of information on this website should be directed to CodeMap, L.L.C.

Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. assumes no responsibility for omissions or errors contained in this website. Bio-Rad does not guarantee that the use of any information provided herein will result in coverage or payment by Medicare at any particular level. Many factors affect Medicare reimbursement, not all of which may be described in the information provided. Website users are encouraged to seek individual legal and/or billing guidance. IN PROVIDING THIS WEBSITE, BIO-RAD MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND/OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. BIO-RAD IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACTIONS TAKEN BY WEBSITE USERS IN BILLING MEDICARE FOR BIO-RAD PRODUCTS OR ANY OTHER PRODUCTS.

This website is a private website and is not associated, endorsed or authorized by the Department of Health and Human Services, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services or any other public or government organization or agency.